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Your Prior Learning

We are proud to work with professional coaches and mentors trained in many different models. Whether you are joining one of our programmes as an in-house coach or supervisor, or looking to achieve or renew a professional credential, we want you to experience the right level of development and honour your prior learning and experience to date.

This simple self-assessment tool helps you summarise your training and development to date and identify any gaps.

  • Section one asks you about your general development goals in coaching and/or mentoring
  • Section two asks about your Prior Learning

It also highlights what's important to you in your learning and development.

You'll receive a copy of your response straight back to your email inbox; a copy goes to your Regional Faculty Director, who will arrange for a discussion with a local member of Faculty.

Training Needs Self-Assessment

If you're new to coaching, and don't have any relevant prior learning, our Coach-Training Needs Self-Assessment may be more useful to you.

When you complete it, you'll be offered a free consultation with a faculty member in your area, may be useful to you.

Contact for details

* First Name
* Last Name
* Email

Your Professional Coach Training Needs - Self Assessment

*  What Training Level - or Levels are you exploring? Please tick as many as apply
Level 7 Certificate in Leadership Coaching and Mentoring
Level 7 Award Supporting, Coaching and Mentoring
Professional Coach - Beginner
Professional Coach - Intermediate
Professional Coach - Advanced
Coach-Supervision and Mentoring Training
Team Coach Training
Mentor-coach hours
Coaching Masterclasses (Faculty-led virtual classes)
A mix to achieve or renew a Coaching Credential
Coaching Skills (short courses)
Manager/Leader as Coach
Other (please describe):

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